Harnessing the Power of Herbs to Combat Everyday Stress
You may not think it, but a little stress can have positive effects. Keeping a little tension in your day is motivating and drives you to get things done. However, if stress starts to pile up day after day, we can start to feel tired, grumpy, anxious, overwhelmed and may fall into the procrastination pit where nothing gets done.
How does stress work in the body?
Our body has been set up since our evolution to be able to deal with stress. Although stressors have primarily changed from basic survival to more modern-day pressures like work, screaming kids, and the constant demands for attention from our devices. At no point in our development have we ever been so “ON” and this constant stimulation can put our body into permanent fight or flight.
Although the triggers of stress may be predominantly mental, the effects are very physical and are the work of our nervous system. The autonomic nervous system works behind the scenes managing all these responses, sending chemical messages around the body making things happen. Depending on whether we are feeling relaxed or stressed affects our heart rate, how much sugar is being pumped around the body, whether our pupils are dilated and even how much saliva we are producing at a time. For example, if you are feeling anxious – you might experience a dry mouth.
The chemicals being produced at times of peak stress are adrenaline, produced by the adrenal glands, but after a longer period of stress it is cortisol. This chemical makes us feel alert and awake in normal amounts, but with prolonged periods of stress, it can lead to us feeling anxious, wired, struggling to relax and can wake us in the night doing that crazy overthinking thing and struggling to get back to sleep.
How do I know if stress is catching up with me?
I have mentioned some of the symptoms of unbalanced cortisol, but here are some other things you might notice.
- Feeling tired and living on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks
- Struggling to unwind
- Craving sugary foods as cortisol affects our sugar balance
- Waking in the night, often around 3 pm or having trouble switching off your mind to fall asleep.
- Brain fog
- Salt cravings
- Using alcohol to relax
- Tense muscles and headaches
- Shallow breathing
- Finding it hard to face everyday stuff and get it done.
- Being short of patience
What can I do if stress can’t just go away?
I would always advocate trying to find work/life balance and finding ways to manage workload and unwind from stress. However, some stress just can’t go away. Immovable deadlines, family illness, buying a home or financial challenges, they sometimes just need to be handled. In these situations when stress won’t go away herbs can be our best friend to support us. There are different ways in which herbs can provide support for getting us through a tough time. Let’s explore the different ways in which they can help.
Adrenal Support
There are a category of herbs that are known as adaptogens. These help to work behind the scenes to help our body adapt to stress. Adaptogens help to restore balance and protect1 the nervous system and the chemicals they release including cortisol. This means they can be helpful in supporting our body’s resistance to physical, environmental and emotional stressors. There are many well-known adaptogenic herbs including Ashwagandha (also known as Withania), Holy Basil, Siberian and Korean ginseng and Rhodiola. These have been long used in Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for these balancing and restorative tonic effects.
Ashwagandha is currently becoming one of the most popular adaptogens, as it is very supportive of the chaos of modern life. However, it has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for over 30000 years. Research has shown it can reduce levels of stress and is helpful for supporting calm in those who are feeling anxious. It also helps support balance with cortisol levels making it helpful for sleep. It is restorative to the nervous system and helps mental clarity. Personally, I have found it the best herb for the person who needs to slow down, relax and take a breath. Ideal for people who are finding it hard to let go of stress and relax. Ashwagandha can be found in LiveCalm, our daily balance capsules
Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi is another herb popular in Ayurvedic medicine and is known as an “Elixir of Life” due to its range of health benefits. It has also been shown to be calming and relaxing, which supports anxious people and helps reduce stress levels. Research shows it also helped energy levels and helped those who were struggling with forgetfulness. It also helps support other issues brought on by stress including blood sugar balance and sleep. A great herb for all-round stress support. Holy Basil is also found in LiveCalm Daily Capsules.
Calming herbs
Many herbs have relaxing effects on the nervous system. These can be particularly helpful when we feel overwhelmed during the daytime or to help relax at nighttime so we can drop to sleep. Plants known for their calming actions include passionflower, chamomile. magnolia, lemon balm and lime flower.
Passionflower is a versatile herb as it has relaxing and sedating actions and can be used daily for support without creating dependence. In smaller amounts used during the day, it has a calming effect and is known to support nervous restlessness. In larger doses at night, it can help make us sleepy and relaxed. This is a great herb to have on hand if you are feeling overwhelmed or if you have an event to tackle like an exam or presentation. Passionflower is found in CoolHead Stress Support Spray and HeadRest Night Drops for day and night support.
Chamomile is also a great calming herb, both for the mind and the digestive system. It has been traditionally for calming children and adults and is great for relaxation at nighttime. It is a great herb to support the nervous system, especially if you are a person prone to nervous stomach. Chamomile is found in HeadRest Night Drops to support a good night’s sleep.
Mental clarity
At times of stress, it can be hard to think straight. We can sometimes find it hard to relax the mind to think clearly and if you are sleeping badly this can affect your mental recall and brain energy. At times like this, it is helpful to have herbs on hand that support calm and cognitive function.
Rosemary is a herb containing several essential oils known for their actions supporting the GABA receptors in the brain that support relaxation, calm and positive mood. It also supports the nervous system, has antioxidant actions and supports circulation. It is also a popular herb for supporting mental clarity to help brain function and memory. This is a great herb to be able to work smarter when you are stressed. Rosemary is found in LiveCalm Daily Capsules to support your clear thinking.
Gotu Kola is another herb that is an adaptogen and is also a tonic for the nerves. Traditionally it is known as a brain tonic and is helpful for concentration and cognitive performance. It is a great herb for a clear head under stress. Gotu Kola is found in CoolHead Stress Support Spray for calm and focus when you need it.
So, when life is getting on top of you and you need some balance, take a look at getting some support from this vast array of herbal helpers. If you need help finding the support, you need then contact our naturopath support team or book a free 15-minute naturopath chat.
Panossian A, Wikman G. Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress-Protective Activity. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2010 Jan 19;3(1):188-224. doi: 10.3390/ph3010188. PMID: 27713248; PMCID: PMC3991026.